Time Served,  but Punished for it AGAIN image
The American people have been OPRRESSED by the u.s. gov't since time can be told. and we've been granted rights and authority, to live FREELY, HOWEVER, the u.s. justice system decided, THEY CAN'T LET THAT HAPPEN".
Example: the D.A's and judges MAKE the accused who served time before on previous charges from their past , serve time again for those PAST crimes in addition to the current charges, by adding time on to their current charges.

Thats' DOUBLE JEOPARDY, VIOLATION of the u.s. constitution, 5th Amendment The court and the D.A.'s calls this "ENHANCEMENTS".. UNDERSTAND: ITS NOT A LAW, Its a RULE, THEY MADE UP.

Reason why it is NOT a law, is because the president and  congress BOTH  DID NOT sign that into law.
In order for a Bill to become law, it takes the president and the congress signatures for it to pass into law.

That is being prosecuted TWICE, AGAIN" for a crime they served time for. 
This is Debauchery, Miscarriage of Justice, Treason,

 "THEIR", BEING, . THE JUDGES AND D.A."s, Its unconstitutional, its a VIOLATION of their "sworn oath" and it is OPPRESSION upon the American citizens.

Pursuant to the "Reconstruction Act 1867 which is LAW, signed by BOTH president and congress, this law "GAVE" the u.s. military "FULL AUTHORITY" over America, meaning to POLICE the land of America.
The military is the ONLY"  agency that possesses JUDICIAL authority to invoke the judicial powers of the state. NOT ANY POLICE  agency,  or anyone who possess a badge and claims to be a peace officer.

There is NO Bill passed ,signed into law having the presidents, and congress signatures allowing the police in America do what they are doing which is VIOLATING the u.s. constitution, the American people daily, 24/7  and the gov't lets them GET AWAY  with it.  This people is "OPPRESSION" upon the American citizens .

UNDERSTAND:  If any police agency, anyone with a badge, and has, firearms, tasers, batons pepper spray, handcuffs, is NOT named in the Reconstruction Act 1867, pursuant to Supreme Court case law, "Omega Video Inc, (Robert Bausch) v. Superior Court, (1983) is defined as " "no such legal entity exist".

So what they do to us Americans every day 24/7 according to the laws stated and is UNREFUTABLE", they also "OPPRESS" the American" people.