All the documents you will read is evidence of "TREASON" committed by the judge, d.a. and cop in this 2013 trial in the presence of 12 sworn in jurors.
Allow us to take you into the court room , in an "REAL" 2013 case, in the state of California. The transcript of the trial was formulated by the appellate attorney for the accused, refered to as"APP" in the transcript.
The transcripts will show by "THEIR" OWN WORDS", meaning the judge and d.a. in this case during the trial.
They committed Treason" , they worked together to protect the D.A. The court issued a Supena at the request of the "APP", "APPROVED" it and turned around and quashed it at the D.A.'s request.
The judge & d.a. joint effort to "EXCLUDE" the "APP" evidence. The judge & d.a. acts to "STOP", DENY", the Apps" right to confront his accusers.
The judges statement, was, "HE WILL ONLY USE, CALIFORNIA LAW" in this case.. This shows his, "INTENTIONAL" act to "ASSERT "HIS" RIGHT TO STRIKE AGAINST THE GOVERNMENT".
You will read transcripts from the trial were a "MISTRIAL" was called by the "App" due to , the judge was committing, Treason, miscarriage of justice, debauchery, of the judge and the d.a., and "ORDERED" the judge to "RECUSE" himself" due to the their "TREASON, debauchery, extortion, conspiracy, fraud,., but the judge "DENIED" the "App" verbal motion, & eventually sentenced the "App" to 16 years in prison. Which he served 3years 10 moths, because of the Mercy of Father, Yhoah Ehyeh. The "APP", served 3 yrs, 10 months of a 16 year prison sentence. Theleym "ps" 138:, Yhoah executes righteous acts and judgments for all who are wronged.
The "app" was charged with forgery,. The D.A. had 7 witnesses to testify against the "App". The cop who arrested the "App" said his documents which were notarized, and signed by the u.s. president, and the gov't had parted title to its claim, plus it had a Bureau of Land management assigned" number which recognizes the "APP" as the "OWNER" of the land.
The cops initial respond was , those docs of the "App" was forged". One of the 7 witnesses was a realastate fraud attorney. He & the uther 6 witnesses including the cop , "all stated," during the trial on the stand. "THEY CANT SAY THE DOCUMENTS OF THE APP WAS FORGED". Yet they found him "GUILTY".