NAHIM, is a established, independent nation of Yhoah Ehyehs people thru-out America, governed by the Torah of Yhoah Ehyeh who is the creator of heaven & earth. His son Yshooah is our Savior and King. We are shabat keepers. We observe "ALL" his feast that we're commanded to observe.
NAHIM, is led by ha kadosh roach, the holy spirit. We obey the laws of the land. Our ministers governs NAHIM & do so with "JUSTICE" using Yhoah Ehyehs commandments & the u.s. Constitution.
Our ministers are the leaders of the church, pursuant to, ysha'yahoo, "Isaiah" 32:1, and because we use the law, execute the law, lawfully, it is "GOOD". Tim 1:8.
We own land, travel "UNDISTURBED", rule, "NOT" by mans law. Worship "WITHOUT" gov't interference, or their perks, IE:501 (c) (3). Because we are his own special people, a holy nation, a chosen generation, a royal priesthood. Kefer, "peter" 2:9. NAHIM are literally "Ambassadors unto Yshooah, 1 cor 5:20.
We possess "Diplomatic Immunity",, given unto us, protected by the spiritual power & blessings of Father Yhoah Ehyeh,, because "we do his will". We go and make "DISCIPLES" in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, "NOT CHRISTIANS".
The u.s. gov't "CANNOT & DO NOT" disturb us, yet they know we exist.
See reply from the California BAR to a NAHIM Official who is a former inmate.